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Pearls, Politics and Pistachios.Essays in Anthropology and Memories
on the Occasion of Susan Pollock’s 65th Birthday, edited by Herausgeber*innenkollektiv, Berlin: exoriente (2021)
731 pages (full color), 46 contribution in English and German language, Softcover edition.
For contents see
2500 g
Contents List
Maresi Starzmann: Scholarship as Gentleness, 3
I. TakIng a Closer look...
1. Reconstructing Communities
Constance von Rüden, From Face to Face. Dying and Not-Dying in the Aceramic Neolithic of the Levant, 13
Francesca Balossi Restelli, Group Perception and Identity Markers in the Neolithic Communities of Western Asia. The Case of Husking Trays in 7th Millennium Upper Mesopotamia, 33
Abbas Moghaddam & Negin Miri, Tol-e Chega Sofla Cemetery: A Phenomenon in the Context of Late 5th Millennium Southwest Iran, 47
Sepideh Saeedi, Proto-Elamite Communities under the Magnifying Glass, 61
Nicholas Postgate, Tablets and Tombs, 89
Leila Papoli-Yazdi & Omran Garazhian, Patterns of Post-Earthquake Domestic Architecture in Bam County (Southeastern Iran), an Archaeological Study, 103
Caroline Steele, Early Days, 119
2. At the Microscale – Find Analysis
Carolin Jauß, Lehm und Lebensmittel. Tonverschlüsse, ihre Nutzungseigenschaften und vier kleine Fallstudien aus dem uruk-zeitlichen Südwestiran, 123
Petr Charvát, Thresher of the Goddess Sud. An Early Dynastic Sealing from Kish, 143
Judith Thomalsky, Bifazialer Silex: Zur Kunsttechnik früher Silexschmiede, 151
Aydin Abar, A Perfect Circle. Production of Soft-Stone Vessels: Objects from the Late Umm an-Nar Site al-Maysar, Oman, 167
Takehiro Miki, The Number of Motif Units on Painted Pottery during the Chalcolithic Period in the Kur River Basin, Fars Province, Iran, 185
Morteza Hessari, A New Lion-Human Stamp Seal Impression from Tappeh Sofalin, Central Iranian Plateau, 197
Melody Pope, Remembrances from the Field – Excavating at Abu Salabikh with Susan Pollock. A Photo Essay, 203
II. WhIle keePIng The BIg PICTure
1. Cultural Interaction and Migration
Saman Heydari-Guran & Elham Ghasidian, Consistency of the “MIS 5 Humid Corridor Model” for the Dispersal of Early Homo sapiens into the Iranian Plateau, 219
Hassan Fazeli Nashli, Parisa Nekouei & Rouhollah Yousefi Zoshk, Cultural Interactions between Prehistoric Societies of the Central Iranian Plateau with Residents of the Central Zagros, Fars, and Southwestern Iran during the 5th Millennium BCE, 239
Henry T. Wright, Mesopotamian Interactions through the Perspective of Late Uruk Bottles, 259
Gabriela Castro Gessner & Anahita Nasrin Mittertrainer, Refining the Chronology of Historic Sites of the Čaa a-Meana Survey, Turkmenistan, 289
Tamara L. Bray, Imperial Encounters: Historical Contingency, Local Agency, and Hybridity, 303
Katherine A. Spielmann, Archaeology Meets World 321
2. Economy, War & Conflict
Svend Hansen, Bronzezeitliche Deponierungen im westlichen Eurasien, 333
Thomas Stöllner, in collaboration with Abolfazl Aali, Long-term Salt Mining in Chehrābād: Resilient Strategies in Accessing Mineral Resources at the Iranian Highlands, 357
Norman Yoffee, Notes on “The Eden that Never Was”, 375
Charles Cobb & Dawnie Steadman, Warfare and Structural Violence in Mississippian-Period Southeastern North America, 381
Hana Kubelková, Being Introduced to Archaeology in Central Asia, 395
III. QuesTIonIng The dIsCIPlIne
1. Revising Methods – Rethinking Archaeological Discourses
Barbara Hausmair, Kathrin Misterek & Judith Stern, Kategorisierung und Kategorien in der Archäologie der NS-Zeit, 399
Wolfram Schier, Stratigraphy vs Taphonomy? Towards an Integrative Approach to Stratification, 419
Hamid Fahimi, From Treasure Hunting to Archaeology as a Science. Causes and Motivations for the Commencement of Archaeological Research in Iran and the Role of Iranian Intellectuals, 445
Jan Johannes Miera, In Dubio pro Deo? Ein paar Gedanken über prähistorische Naturheiligtümer, 453
Stefan Burmeister, Hyper-Geschichte. Arminius und die Varusschlacht als Motor nationaler Identitätsbildung – Testschnitte in einem Diskursfeld 500 Jahre politischer Instrumentalisierung in Deutschland, 477
Barbara Helwing, What Do We Talk about when We Talk about “Proto-Elamite” in the Iranian Highlands? 493
Aydogdy Kurbanov, Southern Turkmenistan in the Neolithic Period: A Short Historiographical Review, 505
Dominik Bonatz, Die Lust am Untergang –Assurbanipal und die Dekadenz im Neuassyrischen Reich, 519
Georg Cyrus & Philipp Tollkühn, Neuzeitarchäologie, Unipolitik und die Macht der Lehre – Susan Pollock an der FU-Berlin, 533
2. Gender, Public & Postcolonial Archaeology
Susanne Kerner, Is There a Glass Roof or Is It Made from Clay? 547
Maria Bianca D’Anna, Nolwen Rol, Birgül Öğüt & Reem Aljader, “Women in a Men’s World”: Still? 557
Nicole Brisch, The Marginalization of Priestesses in Ancient Mesopotamia, 585
Marcella Frangipane (with a contribution by Aysun Tuna), Public Archaeology: What Does It Mean? Disseminating, Communicating and Sharing the Results of a Long-term Archaeological Project, 595
Hans Georg K. Gebel, Translating the Past. The Archaeological Dimensions, 617
Sebastian Hageneuer, Archaeogaming: How Heaven’s Vault Changes the “Game”, 631
Ruth M. Van Dyke & Randall H. McGuire, Settler Colonialism and Archaeology in North America: Challenges and Progress, 643
Brian Broadrose, Enabling Decolonization Discourse: Susan Pollock, 653
Yannis Hamilakis, The Redistribution of the Sensible: Photography and Contemporary Migration, 663
Inna Mateiciucová & Maximilian Wilding, A Letter to Susan 683
Reinhard Bernbeck, Nicht geschrieben und doch geschrieben: Eine Subjektivierungsgeschichte 687