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exoriente e.V.


Price: 48,00 €



Neolithisation of Northeastern Africa, edited by Noriyuki Shirai


14 contributions, 256 pages, 62 figs., 15 tables, paperback
860 g



Contents List

What makes the Neolithic in northeastern Africa? A new debate over an old issue
for eliminating neighbourly ignorance, by N. Shirai An appraisal of the terms ‘Neolithic’ and ‘Neolithisation’ for use in North Africa
in the 21st century, by A.B. Smith
Reconsidering the ‘Mesolithic’ and ‘Neolithic’ in Sudan, by A.M. Sadig Continuity, change and material memory: Taking a temporal perspective on the Neolithisation in Northeastern Africa, by A. Dittrich
Early Holocene palaeoclimate in North Africa: An overview, by A. Zerboni Why are there very few archaeological sites of the Early Holocene in the Egyptian Nile Valley? Geological and geomorphological reasons, by M. Pawlikowski
Early stock keeping in northeastern Africa: Near Eastern influences and local developments, by V. Linseele
Modelling cereal selection in Neolithic Egypt: An evaluation of economic criteria, by R.T.J. Cappers
Unraveling the prehistoric ancestry of the present-day inhabitants of Northeast Africa: An archaeogenetic approach to Neolithisation, by A.C. Smith
Was a transition to food production homogeneous along the circum-Mediterranean littoral? A perspective on Neolithization research from the Libyan coast, by G. Lucarini
Whence the Neolithic of Northeastern Africa? Evidence from the Central Western Desert of Egypt, by M.M.A. McDonald
Rock art in Egypt: Visual communication in the Eastern Desert in the Early to Mid-Holocene, by R. Döhl
Was Neolithisation a struggle for existence and the survival of the fittest, or merely the survival of the luckiest? A case study of socioeconomic and cultural changes in Egypt in the Early-Middle Holocene, by N. Shirai
Nile Valley-Levant interactions: An eclectic review, by O. Bar-Yosef The Neolithisation of Northeastern Africa: Reflections on knowns, unknowns, and unknown unknowns, by G. Barker


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