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Price: 76,00 €



The State of the Stone: Terminologies, Continuities and Contexts in Near Eastern Neolithic Lithics, edited by E. Healey, S. Campbell and O. Maeda


44 + 2 contributions, XIV + 490 pages, 348 figs., 4 color figs., 73 tables, paperback
1550 g



Contents List

E. Healey, S. Campbell and O. Maeda: Introduction: ix-xiii

H.G. K. Gebel: The PPN 1-6 Workshops: agendas, trends and the future: 1-24 PPN predecessors

L.A. Maher and T. Richter: PPN predecessors: current issues in Late Pleistocene chipped stone analyses in the southern Levant: 25-32

T. Richter: Nebekian, Qalkhan and Kebaran: variability, classification and interaction. New insights from the Azraq Oasis: 33-50

D.I. Olszewski: Lithic “culture” issues: insights from the Wadi al-Hasa Epipalaeolithic: 51-66

C. Delage: Technological rationality of core reduction and blank production in the Natufian lithic industries of the Galilee: 67-78

Y. Nishiaki, Y. Kanjo, S. Muhesen and T. Akazawa: Newly discovered Late Epipalaeolithic lithic assemblages from Dederiyeh Cave, the northern Levant: 79-88

A. Pirie: The Epipalaeolithic chipped stone from Pınarbası, on the central Anatolian plateau: 89-96 Beyond chipped stone

D. Rosenberg and D. Nadel: On floor level: PPNA indoor cupmarks and their Natufian forerunners: 99-108 P.M. Rassmann: Pestle sectioning at Dhra’: a chaîne opératoire for basalt pestles and their derivatives: 109-124

M.W. Hintzman: Stone ring production in the Neolithic of the Near East and analogies from the American West: 125-134

E.H. Belcher: Halaf bead, pendant and seal ‘workshops’ at Domuztepe: technological and reductive strategies: 135-144 Change or continuity?

J. José Ibáñez and J. González Urquijo: Social and symbolic meanings of lithic technology during the PPN in the Middle Euphrates: 147-156

A. Yaroshevich, O. Bar-Yosef and V. Zbenovich: Lunates as projectiles at the onset of the Neolithic period: 157-162

M. Abe: Geometrics from the Neolithic settlement of Tall i Mushki, south-west Iran: 163-170

N. Shirai: Did the diffusion of Levantine Helwan points to north-eastern Africa really take place? A study of side-notched and tanged projectile points in north-eastern Africa: 171-184

C. McCartney: The lithic assemblage of Ayia Varvara Asprokremnos: a new perspective on the Early Neolithic of Cyprus: 185-196

F. Bocquentin, O. Barzilai, H. Khalaily and L. Kolska Horwitz: The PPNB site of Beisamoun (Hula Basin): present and past research: 197-212

F. Borrell: Changes in chipped stone industries in south-eastern Anatolia: Akarçay Tepe (7,600–6,800 cal. BC): 213-226

Z. Matskevich: The lithic assemblage of Sha‘ar Hagolan: PPN/PN continuity? 227-242

D. Nadel and M. Nadler-Uziel: Is the PPNC really different? The flint assemblages from three layers at Tel Roim West, Hula Basin: 243-256

L. Astruc: A note on the complexity of lithic assemblages: 257-264 Social contexts of production and use O. Barzilai and N. Goring-Morris: Nahal Lavan 1021: a PPNB knapping site in the western Negev dunes: 267-276

M. Birkenfeld and N. Goring-Morris: A methodological approach, using GIS applications, to stratigraphy and spatial analysis at PPNB Kfar HaHoresh: 277-290

F. Borrell: Knapping methods and techniques at Tell Halula (middle Euphrates valley), during the mid VIIIth millennium cal. BC: 291-304

O. Barzilai, N. Getzov, Y. Givol-Barzilai, N. Marom and O. Marder: Lithics in a ritual context at the PNNB site of Mishmar Ha‘emeq: do they display special characteristics? 305-316

O. Maeda: The social roles of the use of flint and obsidian artefacts at Salat Cami Yanı in the upper Tigris valley: 317-326

S. Campbell and E. Healey: Stones of the living and bones of the dead? Contextualising the lithics in the Death Pit at Domuztepe: 327-342

J. Vardi and I. Gilead: Side-blow blade-flakes from the Ghassulian sickle blade workshop of Beit Eshel: a Chalcolithic solution to a Neolithic riddle: 343-356

A. Davidzon and Isaac Gilead: On becoming a skilled flint knapper: practising flint knapping at the Chalcolithic sickle blade workshop of Beit Eshel, a preliminary refitting study: 357-368 4th International Workshop on Chipped Lithic Industries (Nigde, Cappadocia, Turkey) 4th–8th June 2001

N. Balkan-Atlı: Introduction: 371-372

M. Arimura: LPPNB blade caches at Tell Ain el-Kerkh, north-west Syria: 373-384

G. Coskunsu: Flint and obsidian industry of Mezraa-Teleilat (Urfa, south-east Anatolia), PPN-PN: 385-394

A. Gopher, O. Marder and R. Barkai: An obsidian industry from Neolithic Hagoshrim, Upper Galilee: 395-402

Y. Garfinkel: Obsidian distribution and cultural contacts in the southern Levant during the 7th millennium cal. BC: 403-410 S. Yıldırım Balcı: The typological analysis of Asıklı arrowheads and problems: 411-416

N. Kayacan and M. Özbasaran: Preliminary results of the technological analyses of Musular obsidian – central Anatolia: 417-420

O. Marder, H. Khalaily and I. Milevski: Parallel lives: Abu Ghosh and Yiftahel, economic strategies of two PPNB sites in the southern Levant: 421-428

D.I. Olszewski: Assessing lithic raw material availability, abundance and use in the Late Upper Palaeolithic, Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic of the Wadi al-Hasa, Transjordanian Plateau: 429-442

R. Barkai: PPNA stone and flint axes as cultural markers: technological, functional and symbolic aspects: 443-448

O. Aurenche and S.K. Kozlowski: The spatial distribution of arrowheads and microliths in the Near East (10,200–8,000 cal. BC): 449-456 Y. Nishiaki: Preliminary notes on the Pre-Pottery and Pottery Neolithic lithics from Tell Seker al-Aheimar, the upper Khabur: the 2000–2001 seasons: 457-464

L. Astruc: Points and glossed pieces from Tell Sabi Abyad II and Tell Damishliyya I (Balikh Valley, Djezireh): 465-474

O. Bar-Yosef: Symbolic behaviour reflected in stone and bone objects from Nahal Hemar Cave, Judean Desert: 475-480

D. Nadel: Stones in their symbolic context: Epipalaeolithic – Pre-Pottery Neolithic continuity in the Jordan Valley: 481-490


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