

Ba'ja 2008: Summary on the Chipped Lithic Study Season

Christoph Purschwitz, Free University of Berlin


Ba'ja 2008: Summary on the Chipped Lithic Study Season
Primary and secondary production




The sample under investigation well matches the regional chipped industries of the Southern Levant. The tool kit is diversified with projectiles, heavy-duty-tools (particularly celt/adzes), and drilling tools occurring frequently, while burins and 'sickles' appear to be very rare. Although modes of bidirectional blade production appears to be less significant than those unidirectional blade production, the majority of blade based tools has been produced on bidirectional blade blanks.



The MA-Thesis was carried out at the Institute of Near Eastern Archaeology at Freie Universität of Berlin. The supervisors Hans Georg K. Gebel and Dominik Bonatz deserve sincere gratitude for their support, discussions and inspiring ideas. The field study was supported by ex oriente, Berlin and funded by a DAAD scholarship (German Academic Exchange Service). Particular thanks is owed to Talal Hamd al-Amarin and his family, who shared their home and cared for me like a brother.



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