PPND - the Platform for Neolithic Radiocarbon Dates


31°59' N    35°27' E   Download OxCal File

The sum of the radiocarbon dates of the early Neolithic site of Netiv Hagdud indicate an occupation from 9310 BC to 8850 BC, a time frame nearly identical to the Mureybetian. However, there is one date, RT 762C: 9970±150 BP (9800-9250 BC [68.2%]), that falls into an older phase, probably even before the onset of the Holocene. Due to the high deviation of the RT-dates, some of them were not calibrated.[1]

Most of the available radiocarbon dates come from the deep sounding in the northern area. The only burials that can be roughly correlated with some radiocarbon dates are from locus 1003, which is at about the same level as locus 1001. These dates scatter between Pta 4457: 9780+/-90 (9370-9140 BC) and RT 762A: 9680+/-140 BP (9280-8830 BC) (Bar-Yosef, Gopher 1997:63ff.). Consequently, it may be possible that the burials of the upper layers (loci 22, 8, 9, 30) are of the early or even middle PPNB.

[1]The high uncertainties of the RT-results were noticed by Waterbolk, who called them „less reliable“ (1994:360).

14C Dates

 Code  BP Dev. Δ13C Location material References
OxA 744 9700 150 Loc.1004 S Bar-Yosef, Gopher 1997:67
Pta 4555 9750 90 Loc.1012 CH Bar-Yosef, Gopher 1997:67
Pta 4556 9660 70 Loc.1006 CH Bar-Yosef, Gopher 1997:67
Pta 4557 9780 90 Loc.1001 CH Bar-Yosef, Gopher 1997:67
Pta 4590 9700 80 Loc.1007 CH Bar-Yosef, Gopher 1997:67
RT 502A 9730 380 Section, "may correspond to the level of loci 1004, 1006" (1:66) CH Bar-Yosef, Gopher 1997
RT 502C 10180 300 1,5m CH Bar-Yosef, Gopher 1997:66
RT 762A 9680 140 Loc.1000 CH Bar-Yosef, Gopher 1997:67
RT 762B 9600 170 Loc. 1002 CH Bar-Yosef, Gopher 1997:67
RT 762C 9970 150 Loc.1004 CH Bar-Yosef, Gopher 1997:67
RT 762D 9400 180 Loc. 1001 CH Bar-Yosef, Gopher 1997:67
RT 762F 9780 150 Loc.1006 CH Bar-Yosef, Gopher 1997:67



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