PPND - the Platform for Neolithic Radiocarbon Dates


31°48'19.32'' N    35°06'30'' E   Download OxCal File



The Neolithic site of Abu Gosh, located 12 km west of Jerusalem, was dated by Lechavallier (1978) to the PPNB. According to the new excavations (Khalaily, Marder 2003) the early phase of the settlement can be dated more precisely to the middle PPNB, with a 1-σ-range from 8220 BC to 7960 BC.

The sample RT-2453 comes from basket 1343, which was attributed to the first phase of Layer III of the stratigraphy. Unfortunately, the context of this basket is not clear because square A7 in which it was collected is not on the general plan of the excavation. Another basket, 1346, of the same square with the same opening coordinates was attributed to the earliest PPNB levels of Layer IV. The sample thus dates to a very early phase and a late PPNB occupation cannot be ruled out.

14C Dates

 Code  BP Dev. Δ13C Location material References
RT 2453 8895 60 Sq A7, Basket 1343; Layer III, 649.78-649.72 "First phase" (Appendix I in: Khalaily, Marder 2003:143) CH Cratagus Segal, Carmi 2003; Khalaily, Marder 2003.



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