PPND - the Platform for Neolithic Radiocarbon Dates


30°13'39'' N    35°32'00'' E   Download OxCal File

There are six radiocarbon dates from the Neolithic site of Basta, two from the laboratory of Groningen and four analysed at Kiel.[1] The dates of both laboratories correspond quite well, and after calibration show two time ranges between 7550 BC and 7050 BC. The two ranges overlap only in the 2-σ. The sum of the older phase extends from 7540 BC to 7350 BC, and the sum of the more recent one is 7180 BC to 7040 BC.[2] The other dates are from the so-called rubble layers or destruction horizons, and most of them are outside the scope of this analysis.

The differentiation of two Neolithic phases according to the radiocarbon data could be supported by the two main building phases (AII, AIII) of the stratigraphy. However, the most recent date (KIA 30846) was taken from a deep layer at 3.50m, whereas three of the KIA-dates of the older phase were sampled at layers between -0.5 m and -0.8 m. Similarly, the younger as well as the older date of Groningen (GrN) both come from the lower layers (Gebel et al. 2006:52; 110; Nissen et al. 1987:81).

Thus it is not yet possible to correlate the two radiocarbon phases with the stratigraphy of the two main architectural phases. It is therefore still an open question whether the site had a continuous occupation or two distinct occupational phases.

[1] I cordially thank Hans Georg K. Gebel for all his support in the SIGN Project and for the unpublished dates of Basta from the Kiel laboratory. The full range of Σ: 7550- 7340 BC (52.1%); 7140-7050 BC (16.1%).

[2] Range of 2-σ: early phase: 7590-7290 BC (93.0%), 7230-7190BC (2.4%); late phase: 7340-7020 BC (95.4%).

14C Dates

 Code  BP Dev. Δ13C Location material References
GrN 14537 8380 100 500N/685 E, 23.46-33m (cultural debris above bedrock) (1:81) ? Nissen et al. 1988
GrN 14538 8155 50 500N/690E (D) Locus 7 CH Nissen et al. 1988
KIA 30842 8325 35 50 cm below modern surface (Basta 17215): Area A, Room 11b, Locus 13, room fill (housing area). CH pers. comm. H.G.K. Gebel
KIA 30843a 7990 35 1,50 m below modern surface (Basta 17229): Area A, Room 39, Locus 33, room fill (probably from erosion of house). CH pers. comm. H.G.K. Gebel
KIA 30843b 7985 30 1,50 m below modern surface (Basta 17229). H pers. comm. H.G.K. Gebel
KIA 30844 7960 35 1,50 m below modern surface (Basta 17751): Square B 68, Locus 35 (Building I), courtyard with oven installations (housing context) CH pers. comm. H.G.K. Gebel
KIA 30845a 8435 40 90 cm (Basta 37212): Square B22, Locus 24 (Room Fill Building Phase I: eroding housing context) CH pers. comm. H.G.K. Gebel
KIA 30845b 7840 160 90 cm (same sample as KIA 30845a) (Basta 37212): Square B22, Locus 24 (Room Fill Building Phase I: eroding housing context). H pers. comm. H.G.K. Gebel
KIA 30846 8100 40 3,50 m (Basta 47239): Square B102/3, Locus 68, Room 33 (Architectural Phase BII), from a destroyed plaster floor containing charcoal (housing context). CH pers. comm. H.G.K. Gebel
KIA 30847 7910 55 (Basta 47244) (humic fraction) +F187 Square B83, Locus 8 (Lower Rubble Layer), heath. CH/H pers. comm. H.G.K. Gebel
KIA 30848a 8320 40 0,8 m below modern surface (Basta 47422): Square B52, Locus 43, Raum V.1, surrounding of samagah installation inside substructure (housing context). CH pers. comm. H.G.K. Gebel
KIA 30848b 8260 50 same sample as KIA 30848a (Basta 47422): Square B52, Locus 43, Raum V.1, surrounding of samagah installation inside substructure (housing context). H pers. comm. H.G.K. Gebel



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